Bite the Hand that Feeds You

Finished the main painting from my current series: A Snarl is a Sort of Smile.

STATEMENT Who are we? How do others see us? In this painting, a totem implies the possibility of personal transformation. The figure seems entangled in its environment. Or is it happily becoming a whole being?

“Snarl.” 36” x 36” acrylic on canvas. $5,000. Email me if you just have to have it!

Above: The drawing on canvas before it was painted.

Email me today to add this one-of-a-kind original painting to your collection.

Celebrate the TTT5 Opening at Second Street Gallery

Second Street Gallery is an exciting non-profit that brings the best of contemporary art to Central Virginia and beyond. This year’s Teeny Tiny Trifecta show supports the gallery along with 146 Virginia-based artists.

The three paintings I am showing at the TTT5. They are each 8 inches X 8 inches, acrylic on canvas. Just $100 each! Shop online or in person. If you can, join me in Charlottesville for the opening!

Feel Good Fun!

Here’s a design (below left) for a coloring page commission from Second Street Gallery. It is an extension of the upcoming group show featuring my series: “A Snarl is a Sort of Smile.”

The coloring book will include work from ten artists, and the gallery will donate the finished books to area youth organizations.

Left: Digital design. Right: Example colored with pencil.

Opposites Emerge

Two approaches for showing the relationship of opposites emerged this week in the Studio. The first pairs expression with hard-edge shapes.

The second approach, shown below, is conceptual. A black vertical crosses a white horizontal. Two orange diagonals cross. As you know, orange is the opposite of blue on the color wheel.

Taking the idea further:

What do you see? This pattern makes me think of quilts and individual threads woven into a universal whole. More to come as I explore the relationship of opposites for the 2022 series of paintings!

The Big Bang

I am curious about paintings as objects. In this piece, I am not painting symbols with an intended meaning for others to decipher. I am painting an experience for others to encounter. This is not an image of something. It is a thing itself. The piece also explores integrating hard-edge and abstract expression…

Painting As Object

Today in the Studio, I’m exploring the possibility of a painting being an object, rather than a symbol for something else, like a figure, a still life, or a landscape. When a painting is the object, it brings me closer to viewers. They don’t have to decipher the symbol. There is no symbol. The painting is the object.

Also, so far, my experience of painting as object is emotional expression. Like this:

You are a Shining Star!

Everything leads back to stardust. These paintings emerged in the Studio last week. They are influenced by physics, dense energy, and energy blooms. But when I see them, I think of individuality, diversity, and holism. Shine on!

Upcoming Group Show

Recently, I was honored with Associate Membership in the McGuffey Art Center—USA’s oldest cooperative art center. This week, my piece “The Birthing” joins other McGuffey members’ work in the Summer Group Show. If you’re in Charlottesville, come see great art at McGuffey. The show runs through August 12th.

Meanwhile, here’s a peek at an unfinished piece I’m working on today in the Studio…

Ceremony, 36” x 36” Canvas on acrylic.

A Snarl Is A Sort Of Smile

Just entered these studies into a local gallery show.

A Snarl Is a Sort Of Smile explores the complexity between how the world sees us, and how we see ourselves.

We may feel trapped by and, at the same time, embrace our self-image, family, friends, labels, and culture. We may wonder who we truly are and how we choose to see ourselves.

In these studies for a larger collection, masks and totems imply the possibility of personal transformation. The figures also seem entangled in their environments. Or, are they happily becoming whole beings? This ambiguity invites viewers to consider individual fluidity, cultural diversity, and universal oneness.